
How to change - FOV

For those who doesn't know, in Quake 3 (and i think in every 3D Game) you can change the FOV = Field of View/Vision. 

If you want to understand more about it read here:
[fov = field of view/vision. This determines the amount of usable field of view you have on screen at any one time. The default value is 90 although many people opt for 105. I have always felt more comfortable at 115/120 as this creates a feeling of extreme speed whilst moving. Ultimately, though, objects are further away from you and it is marginally harder to lock onto targets the further away they go.]

To do this simply use /cg_fov <value>
I Recomend putting on 105 but you can put in any value that you want (simply change the <value> to a number, higher = more FieldOfVision, lower = less FieldOfVision. But don't put number to high this can cause some trouble wen playing in online)

FOV 90

FOV 105

See that the red portals are more away? Now you can test with your QUAKE 3 goodbye :D


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